Assessing the capacity to change

Analysis of the capacity to change allows us to measure the willingness of an organization and/or its unit to change. This gives a better understanding of the change phase that the employees of the organization currently stand in and which activities could the managers be more productive in when implementing change. The results help to plan management activities and identify development areas, and the analysis can be combined with change management training  or coaching program for managers.

Feedback report includes:

  • an overview of how much of the organization and each of its unit are in the fourth phase of change
  • comparisons of units to the results of the organization
  • comparisons of assessments on the management and employees
  • assessments on the skills of the managers in relation to change management
  • assessments on the extent of the change

Ask yourself:

  • How do I create motivation for change in the organization?
  • How do I find resources for successful change even when my main activities take up all my attention?


Looking for answers to these questions, or you have question of your own?

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