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Leaders Development Program for Estonian Energy

Client Need

The main objective of the program was to support the implementation of the strategy of Eesti Energia Group through the development of leadership competencies, providing participants with theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills.

Our solution

  • Between 2016 to 2018 we carried out the program for nearly 300 managers from the primary level to the top managers, including the management board of Eesti Energia. In 2019 the program continued.
  • The focus of the program was the creation and implementation of a strategy, team leadership and development, and change management. The program was built on the principle of 70:20:10, where the central idea is that new skills and knowledge would be used in the workplace after the training. The development program consisted of 8.5 practical days of training with follow-up seminars supporting the implementation of the study.
  • Program strengths which were brought out by the participants: practical content, supporting learning tools for managers, group coaching, workshops and presentations.


  • Significant increase in managerial competencies.
  • Each participant designed and implemented a real change project with his team during the development program, which gave value to the company and also to the manager's development.
  • Managers started to use tools acquired during this training on a daily basis, ie - a strategy model has been introduced into the group as a whole.
  • A more harmonized management culture.


"It was a very comprehensive and intensive development program that addressed all the key issues of management. The greatest added value was the practical tools, which can be used very successfully by executives in their everyday work. Despite big amount of participants, we still managed to find time for individual change projects created by each manager at the end of the program. This program will definitely help to improve the management culture of the whole organization."


- Karin Taalik, Eesti Energia Leadership Development Manager

Change Partners UAB

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