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Mes esame „Change Partners“, ir šis pavadinimas puikiai atspindi mūsų pagrindinį tikslą beveik ketvirtį amžiaus – būti vertingu partneriu savo klientams, įgyvendinant sėkmingus pokyčius ir auginant jų komandos narius.

Mūsų istorija prasidėjo 1997 m., Baltijos rinkai pristačius inovatyvius DiSC® asmenybės ugdymo įrankius (JAV). Nuo to laiko iki pat šiandienos, mes tvirtai tikime, kad sėkmingi pokyčiai prasideda nuo žmonių, o mūsų elgsena atlieka itin svarbų vaidmenį šiame procese.

Nuo 2008 m. tapome didžiausios Skandinavijos vadybos konsultacijų bendrovės „Implement Consulting Group“ partneriais. Mes praplėtėme savo supratimą, kad ilgalaikių pokyčių sėkmei užtikrinti būtina transformuoti organizacinę kultūrą ir vadovai šiame procese atlieka pagrindinį vaidmenį. Iki šiol Baltijos šalyse padėjome įgyvendinti daugiau nei 50 sėkmingų organizacinės kultūros vystymo projektų, daugelis iš jų buvo viešai įvertinti ir apdovanoti.

2018 m. tapome pasaulinio lyderio pokyčių vadybos srityje „Prosci“ (JAV) partneriais Baltijos ir Suomijos rinkose. Šiandien dirbame su daugeliu pirmaujančių organizacijų, vykdydami unikalius transformacijų projektus. Deriname mokymus, konsultacijas ir pasaulyje pripažintus vadybos sprendimus, suteikdami savo klientams geriausias praktikas, kurios padėjo tūkstančiams organizacijų pasiekti sėkmę visame pasaulyje.

2021 m. mūsų paslaugų spektras buvo papildytas lyderystės ugdymo sprendimais, kai tapome „Leadership Pipeline Institute“ partneriais Baltijos šalyse. Esame įsitikinę, kad stipri lyderystė yra kiekvieno sėkmingo verslo pagrindas. Derindami savo pasaulinę ir vietinę patirtį, padedame Baltijos šalių lyderiaujančioms įmonėms apibrėžti ir ugdyti stiprią lyderystės kultūrą, siekiant sukurti lanksčias ir efektyvias organizacijas, naudojant „Leadership Pipeline“ unikalų požiūrį ir įrankius.

Kodėl verta rinktis mus?

Mes tikime, kad partnerystė yra daugiau nei tik suteiktos paslaugos. Siekiame maksimaliai įmanomos aukščiausios kokybės ir nuolat nesustodami tobuliname savo įgūdžius – tam, kad išliktume priekyje. Net 90% mūsų klientų tai vertina, nes toliau tęsia partnerystę su mumis.


Scope of work

  • Change management
  • Stress and wellness management
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Strategic management
  • Sales development
  • Management coaching

Lukas has more than 10 years’ successful experience in business consulting, people development and strategic management, both in private and public sectors, he is a certified stress and wellness management consultant (Canadian Institute of Stress, Canada), personal development coach (CoachU, USA), facilitator of strategy sessions (“True Value 4U”, Norway).

Education: Applied Economics and Finance, M. Sc., Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Scope of work

  • Change Management
  • Organizational culture
  • Developing managers and teams
  • Coaching, engagement, motivation

Lina has over 15 years of experiences as a consultant, working with both local and international large and medium-sized companies. She is a certified expert of Prosci and DiSC, has a coaching license and is also a master of laughter yoga.

Lina draws energy from helping managers to change their organizational culture, aligning their mission with everyday activities. Her role in leadership projects is usually to clear up the air and to help managers get a clear focus on their priorities and agree about the full engagement.

Education: Vilnius University of Education, BA in psychology and sociology

Scope of work

  • Change project planning and implementation support
  • Development of change leaders, managers and teams
  • Development of organizational culture

Ekke’s motto as a consultant:

„Organizational change starts from its leaders. Change results can be increased drastically by conscious and systematic approach to change management at all levels of organization.“

Ekke has been management consultant for 10 years, helping over 100 organisations to implement changes in  organisational culture, strategy, processes, people competences or IT systems. He has advanced his change management skills in USA, UK and Scandinavia and holds Prosci Certified Advanced Instructor and Prosci Change Practitioner license.

Education: MSc, Oxford University (Master’s dissertation on organizational change management)

Scope of work:

  • Change Management 
  • Business Strategy Formulation and Implementation
  • Customer and Employee Experience
  • Leadership
  • Services Development and E-commerce
  • Branding

Teppo is a transformer who listens first, is systemic and kind. He dives into the situation rather calmly, creates an understanding of the situation, and then begins to organize things one by one. Teppo’s visionary and systemic approach is unique and has brought tens of clients great results in improving their customer experience, sales and leadership.

Teppo’s management experience includes marketing of telecommunications, real estate and IT products.

Education: School of Economic and Business Education in Helsinki.

Scope of work

  • Developing and coaching managers and management teams
  • Strategic changes
  • Organizational culture
  • Social skills

Mati has extensive experience in training management teams in leading companies across the Baltics and beyond. He has 25 years of experience as a consultant and a management expert. He has advised many leading Estonian organizations in both private and public sector. As a coach, he has supported many management teams and more than 200 senior executives individually. He has regularly participated in international consultancy projects. Mati has developed a variety of development programs and certified hundreds of consultants and trainers in many countries. He holds dozens of international certificates.

Education: Tartu University, MA Psychology

  • Regina conducts Leadership Transition Programs throughout the Baltics in Latvian, Lithuanian, and English since 2020.
  • Prior to joining Change Partners and Leadership Pipeline Institute, Regina spent nearly a decade working as a business trainer and consultant at one of the top three business management training companies in Latvia.
  • Maintaining a high professional standard, Regina actively develops, customizes training programs and delivers up to 80 training days per year. Her training style is characterized by a methodological and structured approach, actively engaging each participant throughout the training.
  • With over 15 years of experience in various industries such as automotive, transportation, and global online travel agency, Regina has held significant leadership positions. This extensive background has equipped her with valuable expertise in both leadership and business development.
  • Regina ranked among the top 10 LPI trainers globally in 2022, based on the training evaluation scale.
  • Certification: “Leadership Pipeline” certified facilitator, DiSC® International Certified Trainer, certified by IPB Partners – Authorized DiSC® Partner; “Exponential coach” coaching certificate by Mindvalley.

Inga delivers Leadership Transition Programs across the Baltics and Scandinavia for the last 10 years.

Before joining Leadership Pipeline Institute, Inga has more than 15 years of experience in the banking sector. Thanks to her various roles, she has gained solid expertise in business development, change management and leadership development.

At Nordea Group HR, Inga was responsible for developing and delivering learning activities to enhance the leadership capabilities on all levels of organization (3500 leaders) in alignment with the overall business strategy, policies and modern learning frameworks.

She has also worked as an Agile Coach in one of the largest retail companies in the Baltics, promoting self-organization and growth in various teams, as well as actively participating in the process of improving the organization’s operating model.

Certificates: „Genos Emotional Intelligence Assessment Scale” by Genos International. “LEADER AS A COACH”, coach specialist, accreditation level (ACSTH) by (ICF). „Leadership Pipeline” certified facilitator.

Scope of work

  • Change Management
  • Organizational Culture
  • Development of managers & teams
  • Strategic HR
  • Healthy feedback culture
  • Managers and teams coaching

Liis is a strategic and empathetic leader with 10+ years of experience working with organizational strategies, execution, and change. Committed to shaping effective, innovative teams that adjust quickly and bring results. For Liis, change management has always played a key role in levelling up the companies quicker and more efficiently. Liis has studied executive coaching as well as solution-focused coaching, motivational interviewing, and has a diploma in Group Dynamics & Sociometry. 

Education: BA in psychology (organisational behaviour), MA in psychology (counselling), Tallinn University.

Scope of work

  • Developing leaders and teams
  • Organizational culture
  • Hybrid work management
  • Self-leadership and stress-management
  • Social skills
  • Individual and team-coaching

Maarika is an HR practitioner, who is committed to supporting the development of people and organizations and getting results. During her 20+ years of experience, she has been working as a consultant with very different companies and was HR Director in retail company Circle K. She has great experience in the design of employer branding, development of organizational culture and increasing employee engagement.

Qualifications: MSc Psychology, Tartu University; Erickson Professional Coach, Erickson Coaching International; Psychodrama Group Lead, Swedish Moreno Institute

Scope of work

  • Creating strategies and developing prioritized directions
  • Developing missions, visions and values
  • Preparation and implementation of the concept of organizational change

Lauri is an entrepreneur and a management consultant. In 2014, PARE and Pärnu Management Conferences selected Lauri as Estonia’s Best Leader 2014. From 2010 to 2015, Lauri was the rector of the Public Security Academy. From 2009 to 2010, he was also the Director of Research and Development at the Academy of Security, from 2005 to 2009 the Head of Development at the Ministry of the Interior and from 2003 to 2005 the Director of the Central Criminal Police and the General Deputy Director of development.

Education: Estonian National Defense and Public Service Academy BSc in Criminology, Tallinn University of Technology MSc in Public Administration Management