Duomenimis pagrįsta lyderystės plėtra kiekviename valdymo lygyje
We help to achieve the desired results at every level of management
As a local partner to Leadership Pipeline Institute® (LPI) we provide organizations with proven practical solutions that are well-suited for organizations operating in our Nordic cultural space. This is confirmed by the success stories of Estonia and other Nordic countries in implementing the LPI programs.
Building a leadership-powered company
Imagine a company that has a chief financial officer but does not have a budget process, an accounting system, and a capital allocation process that is tied together. That financial officer would not have much success. A finance architecture enables the entire organization to work with and talk about financial matters in a consistent way.
Is it different from leadership function in any organisation? Without a proper system, it’s impossible to discuss matters with a clear understanding and consistency. Companies need an enduring architecture that sets common standards for both performance and potential, differentiated by a layer of management. It should also establish language and processes to address issues, identify problems, and exploit opportunities effectively, as well as data for making decisions about everything from job transition to performance improvement.
The above is elaborated further in The Leadership Pipeline book. Today, a significant number of Fortune 500 companies have implemented the Leadership Pipeline concept as their key architecture for selecting, assessing, and developing leaders.
Introduction to Leadership Pipeline
“Since the business environment is so uncertain businesses need more internal certainty. Every business must be certain of what it can deliver.”
Top Reasons Clients Choose Leadership Pipeline
When you partner with us, you get access to globally acknowledged leadership programs and over 25 years of proven experience on what it takes to drive successful results.
Leadership Pipeline Solutions
Framework design
Designing and implementing main expectations and transition principles for each leadership role. Mapping leadership positions according to leadership pipeline goals
Intensive programs that give leaders insights, tools and practical training to ensure the leader develops the right work values, time application and skills in order to be successful in their role
The Specialist Pipeline concept introduces a road-tested solution on how to design an enduring architecture for specialist performance and specialist development
„Programm aitas teadvustada kui paljusid inimesi me juhtidena oma juhtimisstiiliga mõjutame! Ja et tulemusi saavutame just meeskonnaliikmete kaudu. Sain häid sisendeid ja tööriistu, mida kasutada oma meeskonna arendamiseks ja motiveerimiseks ning ka eesmärkide seadmisel (nt kuidas struktureerida eesmärke, et need oleks paremini omaksvõetavad ja sealjuures ka mõõdetavad).”
Tagasiside Swedbanki juhtimisprogrammi osalejalt
„The biggest benefit and impact from the LPI program was the deeper understanding of the role and goals of a leader and in better organizing and making sense of my work. The understanding that leaders achieve their goals through the success of their subordinates allows leaders to better understand their responsibilities, make plans accordingly, and prioritize tasks. The tools learned in the program were also very helpful in setting goals for myself and my team, giving feedback, delegating tasks, and developing a team.”
Pärtel Vurma
CEO, Velvet
„I feel that I got a lot more out of the LPI program than I could have expected. There were many things that made me think very deeply about how I was working as a leader and how I should develop from here. This is of the training that has really given me the most. I think that everything we have learned here can be used 100%.”
Meelis Rohtlaan
Head of Field in Legal Department, Estonian Tax and Customs Board
„Tunnen, et sain LPI programmist väga palju rohkem, kui oodata oskasin. Oli palju asju, mis panid väga sügavalt mõtlema, et mida ja kuidas juhina tegutsen ning kuidas peaksin siit edasi liikuma. See on üks enim minule päriselt andnud ja pakkunud koolitustest. Ma arvan, et kõike siin õpitut on võimalik 100% kasutada.”
Meelis Rohtlaan, valdkonnajuht, Maksu- ja tolliamet
„The program helped to raise awareness of how many people we as leaders influence with our leadership style! And that we actually achieve many of our results through those people. I received good insights and tools to use for developing and motivating my team, as well as for setting goals (ie how to structure goals to be more acceptable and measurable).”
Feedback from a participant in Swedbank's management program
„When listening to other leaders in my group work, I always got new ideas on how to develop my team and delegate tasks so that people with different profiles would find new output. In addition, this training motivates to pay more attention to leadership activities. From the survey my team members answered before the training, I found out my own bottlenecks that need special attention.”
Feedback from a participant in Swedbank's management program
„Kõige suurem kasu ja mõju on olnud LPI programmist juhi rolli ja eesmärkide mõistmisel ning oma töö korraldamisel ja mõtestamisel. Arusaam, et juhina saavutan oma eesmärgid läbi teiste inimeste edukuse, võimaldab juhtidel paremini oma rolli mõista, aega planeerida ja tööülesandeid prioritiseerida. Väga kasulikud olid ka programmis õpitud tööriistad, mis on abiks enda ja oma tiimi eesmärkide seadistamisel, tagasiside andmisel, ülesannete delegeerimisel, tiimi ehitamisel ja arendamisel.”
Pärtel Vurma
CEO, Velvet
„Grupitöödes teisi juhte kuulates tuli alati endal ka uusi ideid, kuidas oma tiimi arendada ja ülesandeid delegeerida nii, et erineva profiiliga inimesed leiaksid endale uut väljundit. Lisaks motiveerib selline koolitus rohkem tähelepanu pöörama juhtimisega seotud tegevustele. Küsitlusest, millele minu tiimi liikmed enne koolitust vastasid, näen ära enda kitsaskohad, millele eriti tähelepanu pöörata.”
Tagasiside Swedbanki juhtimisprogrammi osalejalt
Our Leadership Programs make behavioral change stick – job tests after 3 months of completing LPI program show 33,3% higher results than average - 76,8% vs average 57,6% (benchmark data is based on all of Peopleway’s impact-measurement data (26,8 million responses).
According to McKinsey, adult learners typically retain 10 percent of what they hear in the classroom and 66% when “learning by doing” on the job.
To ensure the highest possible measurement quality and validity, LPI has collaborated and systematically been working with the leading third-party training auditor Peopleway® since 2009 with the clear aim of providing our clients with the “best in class” measurement and quality system for measuring impact and ROI on our services and programs.
The unique design principles behind our leadership transition programs combined with our capabilities of measuring the learning impact and results of our leadership programs are something that most other consultancy companies are not able or willing to match.
The leadership pipeline model is a framework for identifying, developing, or recruiting leaders developed by Walter R. Mahler in the 1970s. Some decades later, the leadership pipeline model was developed further based on the vast consultancy experience of Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter, and James Noel. Together, they developed a framework to help organizations develop a strong internal leadership culture.
With Stephen Drotter as Chairman, Leadership Pipeline Institute is the leading provider of solutions based on the Leadership Pipeline and Specialist Pipeline concepts. LPI along with its partners holds extensive experience in implementing these frameworks as the organizational infrastructure for developing, selecting and assessing the performance of leaders and specialists.
Leadership first principles are defined on each critical transition in terms of work values, time application and skills that leaders are faced with when moving from one leadership role to another. You can also use the Leadership Pipeline principles to define the expected performance standards for each leadership role in the organization.
The Leadership Pipeline offers first principles for mapping and building an efficient and agile leadership architecture, infrastructure and operation model. This will help you to:
Grow leaders across the organization
Create leadership agility
Improve execution power
Increase organizational efficiency
Video: Why the Leadership Pipeline Principles Matter