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Strategy & Culture

Organizations fit for humans and fit for the future

People Development

People are the most valuable assets of any organization.

DiSC training solutions help everyone in the workplace communicate more effectively, work together more productively, and become the positive, energetic contributors organizations need to thrive.

DiSC can help you and your teams to:

  • Improve self-awareness
  • Understand other people and adapt to their behavior
  • Learn how to work together more productively
  • Become more effective leaders and managers
  • Develop stronger sales skills and client relations
  • Get more enjoyment out of every relationship
Introduction to The Five Behaviors

Team Development

We help teams to achieve their full potential.

“Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.”  – Patrick Lencioni

We know that successful teams have some things in common. For example, they make better and quicker decisions, they implement the knowledge and skills of all team members, they refrain from wasting time and energy on minor things, they establish clarity and avoid unconstructive conflicts, etc. How do you create such a team, and how do you maximize the potential of your team?

We help organisations with different development activities for teams and team leaders, relying on globally accepted development methodologies such as DiSC and the Lencioni 5 Behaviours of a Cohesive Team.

Organisational Culture and Values

We help achieve culture change and implement values.

Today winning organisations are defined by their culture. But often culture and values do not support the strategy, values are simply declarational or their meaning is not connected to everyday work and critical behaviors. How to avoid these typical pitfalls and create an organisation where values are lived upon?

We have over 10 years of experience consulting 50+ organisations in achieving culture change and implementing new values. We help you succeed by using well-tested methods and tools to engage the whole organisation in this process, ensuring management commitment, meaningful dialogue, and lasting change in actual behavior.

Video: Roger Martin – The Two Choices to Make in Strategy


The strategy does not have to be inherently difficult. The best strategy is simple, insightful and with a clear message.

We support organizations in creating a winning strategy, providing them with a very effective globally tested method for assuring that their strategy reaches every level of the organization.

Practice shows that only a third of all strategies meet their goals. An idea on paper or on a computer screen is not enough – the key to success is the implementation, which requires the involvement of key people at an early stage, and a meaningful dialogue throughout the organization, and a well-coordinated response.

Our approach is inspired by world-leading management thinker Roger Martin who breaks down strategy into five interlinked choices that must be clarified to have a coherent strategy in place.

Tools We Use

Dialogue Map

Our dialogue tools help to involve various levels of organization into dialogue on how to implement changes, linking new values, codes of conduct, strategies, etc. with the daily work of employees. Through successful dialogue engagement and understanding is created, which is key to successful implementation. These formats have successfully worked in 50+ organizations in the Baltics, in large, small, public and private sector institutions alike.

Values Game

Values Game is a playful format that helps to develop organisational culture and allows people to have dialogue around organizational values. It is a tailormade solution for each organization connecting its values with everyday activities and choices that employees make. Through the gamified approach, people will understand better what is behind each value, how to put the values into practice and how powerful tool values can be.

DiSC® assessment and development tools

DiSC® is a simple and memorable model which explains human behaviour. It describes different behavioural styles and preferences.

DiSC provides solutions you need to help everyone in your workplace communicate more effectively, work together more productively, and become the positive, energetic contributors you need to thrive.

The Five Behaviors™


Five Behaviors helps organizations to understand what is needed to create a truly integrated and effective team. The profile contains individual and team feedback based on the internationally renowned “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” model by Patrick Lencioni.

The program helps teams understand how, as a team, they score on the key components of The Five Behaviors model: trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results.

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